Rosquilletas Tradicionales
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Mediterranean Diet

Although the Mediterranean diet is a diet ancient, the benefits have been known for relatively few of today’s date and time, will continue to discover more of the virtues inherent in this type of power.
The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest food there is in conventional. As it provides a number of benefits for long-term health and is a great option for preventing various diseases.
Among the many benefits of the Mediterranean diet, we can mention:
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  • Prevents obesity and diabetes mellitus, diseases of the developed societies in which precedence over eating saturated fat and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Delays and even prevents the passage of pre-diabetes to diabetes.
  • Cardioprotective properties, mainly due to consumption of virgin olive oil, which is healthy source of unsaturated fatty acids and micronutrients such as antioxidants.
  • Has protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Combined with regular physical activity, combat overweight and obesity.
  • It has been shown to reduce in a 50 percent the risk of lung conditions.
  • Increases life expectancy by reducing deaths and incidence of coronary heart disease and some cancers.
  • Help to prevent depression: B group vitamins and omega-3 present in the Mediterranean diet, exert a protective role against neurological disorders.


That is why rosquiart to bet from the start, and continues to promote the Mediterranean diet, preparing each and every one of these products and holding premise always, always offer a quality product and healthy.