Rosquilletas Tradicionales
No esperes más, prueba nuestras rosquilletas y empieza a notar la diferencia de un producto natural


Rosquilleta of Pipes and Peanut

Rosquilleta Pipas Y Cacahuete

Mini light breadsticks and crunchy with sunflower seeds and chopped peanuts, made from the finest ingredients 100% natural, ideal to consume at breakfast, lunch or snack.


Ingredientes Rosquilleta de Pipas y CacahuetesWheat Flour, Water, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil High Oleic , Yeast, Salt, Sunflower Seed, Peanuts Chunks, Food Additives (E-472e, E-170)


Formatos Rosquilleta de Pipas y Cacahuetes
Packages 90 g., Boxes 20 Units, Palette 90 boxes


Conservacion Rosquilleta de Pipas y Cacahuetes
Keep in a cool, dry.